Who’s Running The Biggest Risk?
Those least likely to have any cover in place are shown below. As you can see most of these are smaller or newer businesses showing that personal wealth could be at risk.
More than half of the businesses did not have Key Person Protection – it’s not something they had ever thought about.
Not something we have considered for our business
Have enough additional staff in place to cover this
Expect the policy to be too expensive for our business
Who Would be Effected?
Sole Traders Would Cease To Trade Immediately
New Businesses Would Cease To Trade Immediately
About Key Person Protection
Key Person Protection enables a business to insure itself against the financial loss it would suffer if a key person died or was diagnosed with a specified critical illness (if critical illness was chosen as part of the policy) during the policy term.
Protect Your Profits
Key Person Insurance
If your company does not have plans in place to protect against the death or illness of a key person, contact our expert business protection advisors today.
We can provide professional advice on tailor made solons for your company to provide the peace of mind that if the worst should happen your business is protected.
Protect Your Business
Pure Protection
Should a key person in your company die or fall seriously ill it is very likely that his would have a substantial financial implication for your business and profits. Follow the millions of business owners that have identified this invaluable solution to protection your assets with ease.
Who is a Key Person?
A key person is an individual whose skill, knowledge, experience or leadership contributes to the financial success of a business directly or indirectly. A key person could be one of a number of people within the business. For example: Chairman, Managing Director, Marketing Manager, IT Specialist, Finance Director, Sales Manager, Paraplanner Or anyone whose death could lead to financial loss for the business.