Share Holder Protection
The loss of a business owner may destabilise a business, and can quickly lead to financial difficulties.
Why Consider

Share Protection


The loss of a business owner may destabilise a business, and can quickly lead to financial difficulties. Share Protection allows the remaining partners, directors or members to remain in control of the business following the death of a business owner. If there is no share protection in place, the owner’s share in the business may be passed to their family. This means that the surviving business owners could lose control of a proportion or, in some circumstances, all of the business.  

Forward Planning

Future Proof Your Business


The family may choose to become involved in the ongoing running of the business, or could even sell their share to a competitor. A Share Protection policy can help avoid these issues by providing the funds to purchase the shares and also a suitable mechanism for the existing shareholders to retain ownership of the business. 

Key Question: Would You Want Your Estate To Receive The Value Of Your Share In The Business In The Event Of Your Death?
Share Protection could help cover you for the value of your share in the business and give the other business owners the cash to buy the shares from your family/beneficiaries. If a fellow business owner died, would you want to retain total control of the business? Share Protection can be written under Trust, so that should one member in a business die or be diagnosed with a terminal illness, the remaining member(s) could receive a lump sum of money. This could enable them to buy the shares from the deceased member’s estate, and so maintain ownership of the business.


The research sample highlighted a level of uncertainty when it comes to share protection, and what would happen if a shareholder died.


say they would buy the business owner’s shares, with most of this group saying they would raise the funds from the personal wealth of the remaining owners.


had no idea at all they had never thought about it


acknowledged that any beneficiaries of the business owner would become active in the business.

Business Owners Wanting To Buy The Shares Need To Ask Themselves Some Key Questions:

Would they have enough personal wealth? Will a bank loan be available? Will there be any reserves left over? What value would they put on the shares?

Partnership Agreements And

Limited Companies Articles Of Association


Another area where companies are leaving themselves exposed to unnecessary risk is partnership agreements. If it is a limited company, this would be their articles of association. 


Did You Know?


Only 4/10 partnerships or limited companies have viewed these in the past year. And worryingly: 32% have not reviewed their partnership agreement since the business started. Furthermore, 26% of limited companies have not reviewed their articles of association since the business started. 


Our Team Has A Wealth Of Knowledge And Will Provide Advice And Support To You Throughout The Term Of Your Policy.

We are Dedicated to Understanding the Requirements of your Business and Individual Circumstance.