Protect Your Loved Ones Talk To Your Advisor Today

Life can take unexpected turns! Your dedicated Pure Protection Advisor will steer you through your journey to protection

Personal Protection

Personal Protection Insurance provides peace of mind that in the event of your death your family is protected financially and a lump sum payment would be made to your next of kin. We can arrange these policies to be written in trust if appropriate to ensure any monies go to the people you wish to protect. We can help you decide on a package of cover that best suits your needs and circumstances.

When it comes to protecting what matters most we’ve got you covered… our goal is to exceed your expectations creating a relationship built on loyalty and trust. Our focus is to understand your individual circumstances to deliver and maintain the most cost effective policy, custom solutions with a unique financial approach.

Your Policy

Protect Your Income

For most of us state sickness benefits would not be enough to cover our outgoings. Income protection policies are designed to replace a proportion of your income if you become ill.

It Won’t Happen To Me

Complimentary Consultation

Income Protection Cover

Policies are bespoke to your individual circumstances. Through a full understanding of your circumstances we can advice you of the most suitable product and provider to suit your circumstances. Income Protection can pay out until your planned retriement date if you are unable to work.

UK Housing

Average Savings

35% of households have no savings so the could be on the breadline tomorrow. The average UK savings are £1205.

It Costs A Staggering

£230,000 To Bring Up A Child Until They Reach The 21 Years Old 

Insurers Pay Out

£9.4 Million Pounds Everyday For Protection Policies

£3 Billion Pounds

Was Paid Out To 128,500 Policy Holders As A Result Of Claims On Protection Insurance

Around 75% Of UK Employers

Do Not Provide Income Support Protection